
ChatGPT与保险 2年前 (2023) lida
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阅读系列丨ChatGPT之父就人工智能风险在国会作证OpenAI CEO Sam Altman urged lawmakers to regulate artificial intelligence during a Senate panel hearing Tuesday, describing the technology’s current boom as a potential “printing press moment” but one that required safeguards.OpenAI首席执行官山姆·阿尔特曼周二在参议院听证会上敦促立法者对人工智能进行监管,他将该技术目前的发展状态描述为潜在的“舆论时刻”,但他表示这是一个需要保障的时刻。“We think that regulatory intervention by governments will be critical to mitigate the risks of increasingly powerful models,” Altman said in his opening remarks before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee.阿尔特曼在参议院司法小组委员会的开场白中说:“我们认为,政府的监管干预对于降低日益强大的模型的风险至关重要。”Altman’s appearance comes after the viral success of ChatGPT, his company’s chatbot tool, renewed an arms race over AI and sparked concerns from some lawmakers about the risks posed by the technology.OpenAI公司旗下的聊天工具ChatGPT火爆全网之后,阿尔特曼的出现又引发了一场关于人工智能的军备竞赛,一些立法者对人工智能带来的风险表示担忧。Sen. Richard Blumenthal kicked off Tuesday’s hearing with a fake recording of his own voice, illustrating the potential risks of the technology. The recording, which featured remarks written by ChatGPT and audio of Blumenthal’s voice produced using recordings of his actual floor speeches, argued that AI cannot be allowed to unfold in an unregulated environment.参议员理查德·布卢门撒尔在周二的听证会上以自己的一段假录音拉开序幕,阐述了人工智能技术的潜在风险。这段录音包括ChatGPT编写的文字和布卢门撒尔用自己的演讲录音制作的声音,他认为不能放纵人工智能在不受监管的情况下发展。A growing list of tech companies have deployed new AI tools in recent months, with the potential to change how we work, shop and interact with each other. But these same tools have also drawn criticism from some of tech’s biggest names for their potential to disrupt millions of jobs, spread misinformation and perpetuate biases.最近几个月,越来越多的科技公司开始使用新的人工智能工具,这有可能改变我们的工作、购物和交流方式。但这些工具也招致了一些科技界名人的批评,因为这些工具可能冲击数以百万的工作岗位,传播错误信息,并固化偏见。One way the US government could regulate the industry is by creating a licensing regime for companies working on the most powerful AI systems, Altman said on Tuesday.阿尔特曼周二表示,美国政府可以为从事人工智能系统的公司创建一个许可制度,从而发挥对该行业的监管作用。Also testifying Tuesday will be Christina Montgomery, IBM’s vice president and chief privacy and trust officer, as well as Gary Marcus, a former New York University professor and a self-described critic of AI “hype.”周二作证的还有IBM首席隐私和信任官克里斯蒂娜·蒙哥马利和前纽约大学教授、自诩为人工智能“炒作”批评者的加里·马库斯。Montgomery warned against creating an era of “move fast and break things,” the

版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年6月16日 am9:10。
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