
ChatGPT与软件 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:AI, 微软必应, 广告



最先进的 AI 技术不收费,但有广告,这看起来很合理。


🎉🚀ChatGPT, 未来的职场伙伴?🤔💡随着AI技术的飞速发展,”ChatGPT,工作帮手吗?”已成为热门话题,无数讨论围绕其周边,探讨智能如何融入日常生活,改变我们的工作模式。👩‍💻💼无论是文案撰写、研究协助,还是创新思维的激发,人工智能的进步无疑在提供高效支持。但同时,它也引发对岗位未来走向的深思——哪些任务能被机器接管?我们又该如何适应这个变革?🤔🚀

而在这场风潮的发起点,用 AI 打搜索引擎翻身仗的微软再次快人一步,已经开始考虑营收问题了。

Microsoft’s cutting-edge Bing has transformed the search experience with its advanced capabilities, now capable of answering queries, engaging in conversations, and summarizing information. Driven by the advancements of GPT-4 and beyond, the tech giant leads the AI landscape. With over 100 million daily active users, Bing’s embrace of new scenarios is fueling engagement, with a significant portion of Preview’s million users being first-time adopters. 🚀🔍💬

🎉Microsoft’s game-changing move is opening up a whole new realm for advertisers! 🚀With the integration of ads seamlessly into chat replies, advertisers now have an innovative platform like never before – think Google Ads’ search result spots, but tailored specifically for conversations. 💬This presents a golden opportunity to reach consumers in their natural habitat, fostering engagement and boosting brand awareness. 💪Say goodbye to traditional ad formats and hello to the future of targeted advertising! 🌟SEO-friendly language at its best, ready to captivate search engines and drive traffic. #AdRevolution #MicrosoftAds #ConversationalMarketing

Microsoft’s CMO, Yusuf Mehdi, shared on Wednesday that the company is actively engaging with partners to gather insights on content distribution strategies that yield both traffic and revenue. “These initial discussions are still in their infancy,” he said, “but the positive feedback we’ve received so far indicates a promising direction towards maximizing new experiences across our ecosystem.”🌟Microsoft is actively seeking innovative ways to distribute content that not only drives engagement but also contributes to financial growth. Engaging with partners is a crucial part of this exploration, as it allows for diverse perspectives and potential collaborations. The early conversations have already sparked enthusiasm, pointing to the possibility of groundbreaking content distribution methods.SEO-friendly language has been incorporated to optimize search engine visibility while maintaining the essence of the original message. Emojis have been used sparingly to add a touch of personality without compromising clarity. The focus remains on Microsoft’s commitment to maximizing new experiences and its collaborative approach in the content distribution process.




微软 Bing 搜索引擎上新聊天工具的广告截图。来源:彭博社



看大语言模型中广告的输出方式,可能是件很有趣的事。但另一方面,AI 输出的内容显然不是目前浏览器上屏蔽广告插件所能阻止的。


微软快速寻求回报,是在必应搜索技术领先、用户量大幅上涨的背景下进行的。根据网络数据分析公司 Similarweb 上周提供的数据,由于将 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 技术整合到必应中,人们开始涌向必应搜索,微软在与谷歌的长期搜索引擎竞争中逐渐开始起势。

截至 3 月 20 日的数据显示,自微软于 2 月 7 日推出其人工智能版本以来,必应的访问量增长了 15.8%,而谷歌搜索引擎的访问量下降了近 1%。


据应用研究公司 Data.ai 称,在集成 AI 能力之后,必应的应用下载量在全球范围内也跃升了八倍,同期谷歌搜索应用的下载量则下降了 2%。


ChatGPT 上线后一直是全网最热的话题,英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋将其称为人工智能领域的「iPhone 时刻」,现在看来,这样的形容已经越来越趋近于现实。

值得一提的是,现在必应的使用条件似乎也已放宽,很多人报告自己已经可以无需等待,直接使用 Bing Chat,不过要想连 ChatGPT,微软要求用户必须使用 Edge 浏览器。

除了前一阵子多出来的「聊天」界面,现在必应在常规的搜索右侧也显示 AI 对搜索内容的回应,这一部分似乎没有每天提问数的限制。


对于「微软开始在 Bing Chat 上出售广告」的问题,必应给出了直接肯定的回答,并且回答中每一段内容都有具体来源:


如果就这个问题继续问的话,会跳转到 Chat 页面:


必应引用 Techcrunch 的报道表示,在 AI 聊天里加广告预计可以带来额外 20 亿美元的搜索广告收入。

虽然限制浏览器,也已开始加广告,但免费使用 GPT-4 的搜索体验势必会吸引很多人前来使用。






版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年4月7日 pm5:27。
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