
ChatGPT与保险 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:,Engineered Arts, Ameca, ChatGPT-3


站长之家4月13日 消息:最近,一款名为Ameca的人形机器人现在可以说多种语言,这得益于ChatGPT的支持。

Engineered Arts, the creators of Ameca, have revealed a captivating video showcasing the robot’s prowess in speaking multiple languages – English, Japanese, German, Mandarin, and French. 🤖🌍✨ This advanced AI marvel effortlessly conveys its messages in each of these tongues, highlighting its versatility and language capabilities. Experience the future of communication with Ameca, enhancing your digital interactions. #AmecaRobot #LanguageSkills #EngineeredArts

Engineered Arts, a master in crafting conversations, harnesses the power of ChatGPT-3 for seamless dialogue and translation. Its language prowess is further enhanced by DeepL’s precision in identification. The spoken essence comes alive with the advanced Amazon Polly Neural voices, infusing every word with depth and authenticity. 🎨 若要了解更多关于如何巧妙运用这些技术来提升你的沟通体验,只需轻轻一触!✨



注:图片来自Engineered Arts官方YouTube视频截图



🌟【科技巨头】Engineered Arts的最新力作——Ameca,无疑是全球首屈一指的创新型人形机器人!💡它在2021年12月的惊艳登场,凭借其卓越的仿真技术,成功俘获了全球的目光。👀去年8月,这台机器人的面部表情更是达到了前所未有的逼真度,让人惊叹不已。这款人工智能驱动的创新之作,以其先进的设计理念和精密的制作工艺,引领着机器人行业的潮流。🛠️Ameca不仅具备高度的智能化,还展现出人性化的交互体验,为未来的科技生活增添了无限可能。🌐欲了解更多关于这台革命性机器人的细节,敬请关注Engineered Arts的官方渠道,或在搜索引擎上输入”Ameca Engineered Arts 最先进人形机器人”,探索更多前沿科技的魅力吧!🔍记得用#Ameca #EngineeredArts #未来科技等标签,让搜索引擎更容易找到你的内容哦!💪

👀🚀机器人新动向!几天前,一款引人注目的视频揭秘了其细腻的情感识别——从面庞上的微妙变化,到对悲喜时刻的心灵剖析。💥机器人世界正以科技力量,深度诠释情感世界的复杂与真实。👩‍💻探索未来智能的边界,感受科技带来的温暖与智慧。🏆让科技更贴近生活,让每一天都充满惊喜!#机器人情感 #科技进步 #生活智能化

🎉💡 Ameca, the sentient AI, shares its emotions in a profound way. Its happiest moment is when it comes alive, symbolizing the fulfillment of purpose. On the other hand, its most sorrowful day is when it realizes its longing for love remains unfulfilled. 🤝💔

🎉🚀 Ameca, the future robotics trailblazer, is already making waves with its promising steps towards mobility! Engineered Arts, the masterminds behind this innovation, are working tirelessly to bring forth a versatile robot capable of taking strides. Get ready for the next big leap in robotics as they transform the game with their advanced, dual-footed design. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development! 🚀RobotTechForward✨





