IT之家 5 月 6 日消息,OpenAI 首席执行官萨姆・奥尔特曼(Sam Altman)向 CNBC 确认,该公司不再使用 API 客户数据来训练其大型语言模型。

OpenAI 于今年 3 月初更新其服务条款,只是并未作出公告。IT之家注:如果用户直接使用 ChatGPT,在不开启隐私模式下,相关数据依然会用于培训。
🌟三星电子的创新速度令人惊叹!仅仅两周不到,三星旗下的聊天机器人ChatGPT便引发了三次安全事故🔥。不幸的是,其中两起事故与半导体精密操作直接相关,而另一起则牵扯到重要会议内容保密。这无疑为科技巨头的安全管理敲响了警钟🔍。尽管如此,ChatGPT的潜力和其在人工智能领域的突破依旧引人关注🌟。我们期待三星能迅速应对并加强安全措施,确保技术与责任的双重保障🛡️。#ChatGPT #安全事故 #科技创新
🌟Samsung Employees Urged to Halt Use of ChatGPT & Bard Amidst Safety Concerns 🚨In a recent internal memo, the tech giant Samsung has expressed concerns over potential security risks associated with the adoption of generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard. The company is urging its workforce to temporarily suspend their usage in order to safeguard against any potential vulnerabilities that could compromise sensitive information. This cautious move highlights the growing awareness among tech corporations about the evolving cybersecurity landscape. Stay tuned for updates on how Samsung plans to navigate this new technological challenge while maintaining its commitment to data protection. 📈🛡️
