
ChatGPT与PPT 2年前 (2023) lida
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Microsoft kicked off an AI extravaganza on March 16, revealing Copilot, a game-changing artificial intelligence tool set to be seamlessly integrated into the company’s suite of Office essentials – Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Designed with work in mind, this cutting-edge technology promises to streamline document creation by assisting users in crafting emails, presentations, and other files effortlessly. 🚀💻📊 #AIRevolution #CopilotForWork #OfficeAssistance

Microsoft excitedly reveals that its latest innovation, Copilot, is powered by the groundbreaking GPT-4 model from OpenAI. This game-changing AI assistant has already gained traction with 20 corporations actively testing its capabilities. Anticipating wider adoption in the coming months, Microsoft is set to roll out Copilot to more businesses, but they have been tight-lipped about the exact timeline and pricing details. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development! 🚀💼



🌟Microsoft’s Copilot takes AI chat to new heights, enhancing productivity like never before! 🚀Microsoft’s groundbreaking innovation, Copilot, transcends its initial chatbot status. The company’s CEO, Satya Nadella, proudly declares, “This is a significant leap in computational interaction that will revolutionize our work processes and unleash a wave of unprecedented productivity growth.” Unlike just integrating ChatGPT into Microsoft 365, Copilot delivers far-reaching capabilities, poised to transform the way we collaborate and create. 🤝💻Experience the future of AI-driven assistance with Copilot, where technology meets intelligent efficiency. Embrace the power of seamless integration and witness a productivity surge like never seen before! 💪🚀

🌟🚀Copilot的全能技能:办公软件中的超级助手!💡一抹科技的亮光正在办公软件的世界里悄然闪耀——Copilot以其强大的适应性和多才多艺,成为软件界的明日之星。它不仅能够无缝对接Word、Excel和Outlook这三个重要平台,还能根据软件特性,如虎添翼般发挥独特作用。🌍在Word中,Copilot犹如一位文字魔术师,无论是创意构思、内容编辑还是深度分析,都能轻松应对,生成专业且引人入胜的文本。📝而在Excel的世界里,它就像一个数据分析师,瞬间解读用户需求,将复杂数据转化为直观图表,让信息一目了然。📊Outlook中,Copilot化身贴心的邮件管家,帮助你整理繁杂邮件,快速起草回复,甚至还能根据你的语气和文本长度,提供个性化的服务。💌无论何时何地,Copilot都在你身边,以高效、精准的方式提升工作效率,让你的工作更加得心应手。🚀欲了解更多关于Copilot如何让办公生活更便捷的细节,敬请关注我们的最新动态,一起探索科技带来的无限可能!🌐#Copilot #办公软件助手 #技术改变工作


Copilot能够处理数据 来源:微软



Copilot能够辅助制作PPT幻灯片 来源:微软

Microsoft has recently made headlines by introducing a new Bing version armed with the cutting-edge technology behind ChatGPT, positioning it as a formidable challenge to Google’s dominance in the search engine landscape. With Google holding a staggering 90% share of the global market, Bing’s meager presence at around 3% is seen as a significant gap to bridge. This strategic move by Microsoft signifies their intent to disrupt the status quo and vie for a larger slice of the pie.


办公应用软件和相关云服务一直是微软的主要业务之一。根据《华尔街日报》,最近一个财年,该业务占微软总收入的23%,而搜索和新闻广告的贡献仅为6%。 数据分析平台Visible Alpha的数据显示,2021年,Office 365的商用产品和消费者产品产生近410亿美元的收入,这笔金额已经超过Adobe等大多数公司一整年的收入。


Copilot并不完美,在发布会中微软承认它存在缺陷。微软副总裁Jared Spataro坦言,Copilot并不是任何时候都是正确的,有时它也会犯错误。

微软在安全性方面有所准备,其首席科学家兼技术研究员Jaime Teevann表示,Copilot已经通过了几项隐私检查,并在微软将会采取适当的缓解措施,以应对软件“出错、产生带有偏见的内容、或被滥用”等情况。


对于是否真的会有客户为这项新技术买单,《华尔街日报》援引瑞银分析师Karl Keirstead的报告称,部分大型企业曾透露“在技术真正达到企业级规模,且投资回报率得到证实之前,他们不愿付费”。





