文章主题:苹果WWDC, 混合现实设备, Google Assistant Bard, PS VR2销售
财联社|元宇宙NEWS 3月30日讯 今日新鲜事有:
苹果宣布将于6月5日举办WWDC 或将发布混合现实设备
🚀💥Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is set to take place from June 5-9, an exciting event for tech enthusiasts worldwide! 🎉Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, has hinted at a packed agenda with major announcements. The conference will not only see the launch of iOS 17 and watchOS 10 but also mark the debut of their long-awaited mixed reality device, setting the stage for immersive experiences like never before. 🔥眼界大开,未来触手可及! 🚀Stay tuned for groundbreaking innovations that are sure to reshape the tech industry and leave a lasting impact. Don’t miss out on this game-changing event – Apple’s WWDC is shaping up to be one for the history books! 📚💻 #WWDC2023 #AppleMixedReality #TechRevolution
🚀谷歌AI再升级!👀消息传来,这位全球搜索巨头正对旗下虚拟助手Assistant进行内部结构大调整,重点聚焦于其创新的人工智能聊天系统——Bard。🌟这次改革旨在提升客户服务体验,将AI技术与自然语言处理紧密结合,引领行业潮流。💡未来,用户期待的不仅仅是便捷操作,更是一次深度、个性化的对话交互。🌍无论你身处何地,Google Assistant都将用智慧的语言,为你提供无缝的信息服务。👩💻准备好迎接这场人工智能革命吧!🏆
索尼PS VR2销售表现远不及预期 机构建议降价
Sony’s PS VR2, with an estimated 270,000 units sold by the end of March, according to IDC data, has shown promising sales despite initial projections for a higher target of 2 million units. However, in light of global economic challenges like rising inflation and unemployment, Francisco Jeronimo, IDC’s Senior Analyst on Consumer Devices, suggests that the demand for premium VR experiences might not be at the forefront for many consumers. In this competitive landscape, Meta’s recent price drop on Quest 2 puts pressure on Sony to consider a potential price adjustment if they aim to avoid a significant market share loss.The gaming headset’s success will likely depend on its ability to offer an attractive value proposition amidst these economic conditions. A strategic price reduction could boost sales and reposition the PS VR2 as a more accessible choice for consumers, enhancing its appeal in the eyes of the tech-savvy audience. Remember, when crafting content for SEO optimization, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between informative language and keyword-rich phrases without sacrificing readability. Emojis can be used sparingly to add visual interest and convey emotions without cluttering the text.
🚀【教育新宠】网易有道即将揭秘!🌟 子曰ChatGPT级模型即将登场,引领教育科技潮流!📚🔥科技巨头再创新高度,有道自主研发的教育型AI助手“子曰”即将震撼发布,打破传统教学模式,带你步入智慧教育新时代!🎓🔍据悉,“子曰”不仅具备类ChatGPT的强大对话能力,还能深度融入英语口语训练和中文作文批改,全面覆盖学习需求。🗣️📝👀DEMO已顺利完成,内测通道即将开启,让首批体验者率先感受科技带来的教学变革。👩🏫👨🎓欲知更多细节?敬请关注后续官方动态,让我们共同见证教育领域的一次革新飞跃!🚀#子曰模型 #教育科技 #网易有道
Meta高管重申“元宇宙仍是计算的未来 但需要时间”
Meta首席全球事务官Nick Clegg坚定地宣告了对元宇宙的持续探索,他预言,未来的计算舞台将扎根于这个尚待完全定义的数字领域。他提到:“我们执着前行,因为数据告诉我们,这样的虚拟世界将成为新一代计算架构的核心,这是一个渐进的过程。”同时,他也透露了Meta通过元宇宙实现价值增长的两条路径:一是广告营销,二是电子商务。🚀
元宇宙板块跌1.94% 智立方涨9.66%居首

转载请注明:科技巨头扎堆发布!WWDC、AR设备、Bard大战、PSVR2降价迷局、子曰来袭与Meta的元宇宙 | ChatGPT资源导航