
ChatGPT与Excel 1年前 (2023) lida
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Microsoft’s latest addition to the Bing search engine, incorporating ChatGPT capabilities, made a brief appearance with an updated interface. The noticeable change was the shift from a traditional search bar to a conversational one, allowing users to engage in dialogue rather than单纯 keyword input for more precise results. This innovative approach revolutionizes the way we interact with search engines, enhancing the browsing experience with a more personalized touch. SEO-friendly language has been integrated to optimize search visibility, while emojis are used sparingly to convey the dynamic nature of this new feature.



Microsoft is set to integrate AI tools like ChatGPT into its suite of applications, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Azure cloud services, and Teams. This integration aims to enhance the productivity and智能化 capabilities across all these platforms, revolutionizing the way users interact with technology. Expect a future where Microsoft’s offerings will leverage the power of AI to streamline tasks and offer seamless experiences. Stay tuned for the exciting updates that are on the horizon! 🚀💻🌐






版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年4月22日 am8:16。
转载请注明:微软Bing搜新体验?对话搜索,AI改变游戏! | ChatGPT资源导航
