
文心一言 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:ChatGPT, OpenAI, Microsoft, AI


什么是 ChatGPT

✨🚀ChatGPT,AI语言新星!🌟💡由OpenAI这颗璀璨星辰引领,推出革新性的自然语言处理技术平台。🌐它以Transformer架构为核心,赋予ChatGPT超凡的对话互动能力,无论是日常闲聊还是专业场景,都能流畅应对。📝剧本创作、邮件撰写、文案生成,一应俱全,文字魔术师在手!🌍而且,ChatGPT坚守道德边界,拒绝不良内容,保护用户权益。🛡️它以智能和责任并重,为用户提供安全、有温度的交流体验。💻想要代码?没问题,ChatGPT也能轻松编写。🚀探索无界,ChatGPT等你来驾驭!💡#ChatGPT #AI语言助手

Microsoft is set to fully embrace ChatGPT, integrating the AI tool into its suite of products across the board, including Bing search engine, Office (Word, PPT, Excel), Azure cloud services, and Teams. As reported by Semafor, the tech giant plans to roll out GPT-4 in a future update for Bing, aiming to enhance search functionality. Meanwhile, Google is actively testing its own chatbot, Apprentice Bard, promising similar responses to those from ChatGPT. A search department has also been exploring new designs for a Q&A-based interface.In the meantime, Chinese tech giant百度(Baidu) has made significant strides in developing AI chat capabilities with its ERNIE Bot project, expected to undergo internal testing and be publicly available by March. The company’s upcoming ‘文心一言’ is undergoing final adjustments before its official launch, signaling a competitive push in the realm of AI-powered chat experiences.Microsoft’s integration and Google’s tests indicate a growing trend in the industry, with major players纷纷 leveraging AI tools to enhance their search and communication offerings. As these developments unfold, users can expect an increasingly sophisticated and integrated AI landscape across various platforms. 📈💻💬


🌟 ChatGPT的崛起,无疑为职场带来了显著变革,🚀 技术工作者们需时刻警惕潜在挑战。🤖 以往由人类主导的员工培训环节,现在可能被AI聊天机器人所取代,引发人力资源结构调整。💼 许多传统职业,如会计、法律秘书、软件开发者,甚至是医疗领域的放射科医师,都可能面临技术升级的冲击。🌍教育行业也不例外,ChatGPT的普及可能导致教学方式的革新,学生的学习路径将发生深刻变化。Finance领域,金融顾问的工作效能可能会受到考验,而新闻媒体则需适应内容生成的新常态。법律行业,法律文档的起草和分析也可能被AI自动化处理,律师的角色将更加聚焦于策略咨询。尽管如此,我们不应过度担忧,新技术总是带来机遇与挑战并存。它促使我们不断学习和适应,推动职业发展向更高层次迈进。💼🌟记得,保持敏锐洞察力和持续学习的心态,是在这个快速变化的时代中立足的关键。🌍

🌟Jeff Clun, a former OpenAI researcher and expert in 📚Computer Science at UBC, shares his concern: The real danger lies in the blind trust people place in language models, not their domain experts. Outsiders perceive them as convincing, accurate & authoritative, but only experts can expose their flaws. Large language models, despite producing impressive texts, tend to be overconfident, biased, prone to errors, and fabricate facts. Their impact on every industry and societal aspect is a pressing concern. 🤝Although my projections may not pan out, one thing is certain: AI-driven disruptions are reshaping our economy & cultural landscape across the board. #LanguageModels #AIImpact #ExpertView

🌟认知巨变?ChatGPT的挑战与真实思考之谜🔍🚀科技巨头ChatGPT引发了全球热议,但知名认知科学家Gary Marcus对其核心问题的剖析不容忽视:神经网络的“双面性”——既不可靠又非本质真实。谷歌AI团队近期的研究论文也揭示了扩大规模并非万能良药,它无法确保模型的【安全】与【事实基础】跃升。🔥ChatGPT遭质疑,批评者常常将其与人类智慧相提并论,然而,这背后的误解在于大型语言模型尚不能像我们那样灵活、全面地思考。🚫面对这样的挑战,ChatGPT需要的不仅是技术升级,更是对人工智能本质的理解和人性化的考量。 kode(编码)与灵魂(理解)的平衡,才是未来AI发展的关键所在。💡让我们期待ChatGPT如何在这些问题的反思中,逐步迈向更智能、更贴近真实的未来之路。🚀








版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年7月26日 pm3:12。
转载请注明:ChatGPT革命?未来已来,它将如何重塑世界?🔥 | ChatGPT资源导航
