文章主题:Apple GPT, ChatGPT, AI聊天机器人, 苹果
文 | 张一弛
编辑 | 邓咏仪
🌟苹果公司近期透露出一项创新消息!💥7月19日,据彭博社独家报道,这家科技巨头正在秘密研发一款类似ChatGPT的聊天机器人——取名“Apple GPT”。这款人工智能工具旨在内部优化员工效率,提升团队协作,堪称工作中的得力助手。虽已颇具雏形,但遗憾的是,它目前仅限于公司内部使用,还未面向大众开放服务。🚀未来科技的步伐,Apple GPT或许会带来更多惊喜!💡
🌟苹果的AI革命:从 Siri 初创到现代巨变 📱💡在智能科技浪潮中,苹果一直是引领潮流的巨头之一,2010年的那笔标志性收购——Siri,无疑是其早期智能化战略的重要一步。这款内置于iOS和macOS系统的聊天机器人,曾以其独特的人工智能魅力,成为全球用户心中的个人助理典范。🌟然而,随着AI技术的飞速发展,曾经的行业领头羊Siri似乎陷入了创新瓶颈,它的步伐开始显得有些滞后。时代在变,消费者对智能化体验的需求也在不断提升,这让昔日的明星机器人逐渐黯淡下来。🚀如今,苹果正面临着一场重塑 Siri 的革命,他们明白,只有持续创新和适应变化,才能保持其在智能领域的领先地位。我们期待看到一个更强大、更聪明的Siri,以全新的面貌迎接AI大模型时代的挑战与机遇。🔍💻
Microsoft, the tech giant, is set to revolutionize the chatbot landscape, as CEO Satya Nadella recently shared in an interview with The Financial Times in March. Nadella then disclosed that之前的 chatbots were “clunky and heavy,” a far cry from the cutting-edge AI prowess he now promises. Embracing this transformation, Microsoft aims to transform the once cumbersome chatbots into intelligent and agile entities, driving the industry forward with their advanced technology. 🚀💻
OpenAI ChatGPT、微软Bing AI、谷歌Bard相继问世、打成一团,苹果很难不被影响——AI有望重塑人与手机、电脑等硬件设备的交互方式,若脱节于AI大模型发展浪潮,苹果主业收入也会有危险。
🌟Apple’s Game-Changing Move: Embracing ChatGPT for Enhanced Productivity 📝Apple, the tech giant known for pushing boundaries and innovation, has been caught off guard by the rapid rise of ChatGPT. The AI language model’s disruptive entrance has forced the company to reassess its traditional approach and explore new ways to integrate this game-changing technology into their operations.👀In a recent shift, Apple is reportedly considering allowing its employees to utilize ChatGPT for tasks that can boost productivity, such as assisting with product design prototyping or synthesizing text based on trained data. This move not only reflects the company’s adaptability but also signals a potential shift towards embracing AI-driven assistance in their daily work processes.💻While some may view this as a departure from Apple’s usual control-centric approach, it underscores the importance of staying ahead in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. By incorporating ChatGPT into its arsenal, Apple can potentially streamline workflows and enhance the quality of its output without compromising on creativity or security.🔒As for contact details or promotional content, please note that this response is purely fictional and does not reflect any real company’s policies or initiatives. If you’re interested in learning more about how ChatGPT could impact Apple’s practices, stay tuned for future updates from the tech giant itself.💡#Apple #ChatGPT #ProductivityBoost #Innovation
🌟苹果的AI之路似乎遭遇了些坎坷,他们似乎还在摸索如何创造出能与市场热门竞品相抗衡的产品。💡尽管去年曾传出苹果内部团队成功研发出名为”Apple GPT”的实验性项目,一款潜在的人工智能生成工具,但这颗璀璨的星星还没来得及闪耀就被安全问题的阴霾笼罩,导致该项目被迫暂时搁浅。🔍这背后的保守策略可能在一定程度上影响了他们技术的快速迭代和创新速度。
建立大模型开发框架,是苹果现在跟随微软、谷歌等主要竞争对手的重要一步。据古尔曼爆料,苹果去年开始搭建开发框架Ajax,以便统一让公司进行机器学习开发。Ajax构建在机器学习框架Google Jax上,并在谷歌云上运行。
不过,AppleGPT离真正面向消费者提供服务,或许还有很远的路要走。在彭博的报道中,有苹果员工表示,目前“Apple GPT”本质上复制了 Bard、ChatGPT 和 Bing AI,不包含任何新颖的功能或技术,同时设计上不适合普通消费者使用,也并未打算将该聊天机器人推向市场。
现在,苹果正积极改进“Apple GPT”的模型,或在迭代后以新产品的形式面向大众。
