
文心一言 2年前 (2023) lida
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Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz have made an exciting partnership announcement, revealing that they will integrate ChatGPT’s advanced AI capabilities into existing vehicles. This game-changing collaboration will bring about a智能化 revolution to approximately 900,000 cars in the US market, transforming driving experiences for drivers and passengers alike. 🚗💻✨ Stay tuned for how this integration will revolutionize the automotive industry and enhance the future of transportation. #ChatGPT #MicrosoftMercedes #AIInCars

🌟🚀梅赛德斯引领未来出行!🚀💼想象一下,驾驭豪华座驾的那一刻,只需轻声一句”嗨! 梅赛德斯”, 你的专属AI语音助手就能迅速响应——ChatGPT将为你带来超越期待的服务体验!💡🌍这是科技与汽车行业的独特融合,微软的创新突破让驾驶变得更加智能便捷。🌟🚗ChatGPT在汽车领域的首次亮相,无疑将为车主们开启全新的互动旅程,让每一次驾驭都充满惊喜与乐趣。🎊🚀未来已来,拥抱变革,让我们一起期待这一革命性技术如何重塑你的驾驶生活!🌍💨 #梅赛德斯 #ChatGPT #智能出行




🌟Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz’s groundbreaking collaboration with ChatGPT takes autonomous vehicle technology to new heights! 🚗🚀Revolutionizing the automotive industry, the innovative partnership between these tech giants brings AI-driven innovation to the forefront. ChatGPT, the game-changing language model, now bridges the gap between cutting-edge technology and practical applications in self-driving cars. Expect a future where vehicles autonomously navigate with unparalleled precision and responsiveness. 🤖🚗💨Previous examples by General Motors showcased the prowess of AI, but this latest move by Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz signifies a quantum leap forward. The integration of ChatGPT signifies not just a technological milestone, but also a shift towards a more user-centric and seamless driving experience. Stay tuned for groundbreaking advancements that will redefine the way we commute! 🚀🌍

Microsoft, a prominent player in the tech industry, holds stakes in OpenAI. Notably, General Motors too has revealed its intentions, outlining plans to integrate ChatGPT seamlessly into its vehicles as part of a significant collaboration with the tech giant. 📈💻🚗This strategic alliance signifies a potential shift towards advanced AI integration in automotive technology, where Microsoft’s expertise and ChatGPT’s capabilities are expected to merge harmoniously. The move underscores the automaker’s commitment to staying ahead in the digital age, enhancing customer experience through innovative conversational interfaces. 🚀🛠️💬While details remain under wraps, this alliance signifies a growing convergence between tech giants and the automotive sector, driving progress in artificial intelligence adoption in vehicles. Expect exciting developments that could reshape the way we interact with our cars in the near future. #MicrosoftChatGPT #AIinAutomotive #FutureCars




据路透社报道,尽管谷歌是生成式 AI 最坚定的支持者之一,但该公司正在警告员工注意聊天机器人的使用。

知情人士称,谷歌母公司 Alphabet 已建议员工不要将其机密材料输入给 AI 聊天机器人,同时该公司还提醒 IT 工程师避免直接使用聊天机器人生成的计算机代码。

谷歌对此回应称,其聊天机器人 Bard 可以提出不受欢迎的代码建议,但它仍然对 IT 工程师们会有所帮助。谷歌表示其目标是对生成式 AI 的技术局限性保持足够的透明度。


分析人士指出,这些担忧表明谷歌希望避免生成式 AI 对公司的商业化运作造成损害,这种谨慎的态度也体现出对生成式 AI 的使用限制正越发成为某种具有共性的企业安全标准。

包括三星、亚马逊、苹果等大型科技企业对员工使用生成式 AI 都设置了一定的限制,以确保不会对公司运营造成风险。

支持 OpenAI 的微软则拒绝评论是否已全面禁止员工将机密信息输入 ChatGPT 这样的公共 AI 应用。但微软消费者业务首席营销官 Yusuf Mehdi 曾表示,公司不希望员工使用公共聊天机器人工作是“有道理的”。

根据 Fishbowl 对包括美国顶级公司员工在内的近 12000 名受访者的调查,截至今年 1 月,约 43% 的专业人士在工作中使用了 ChatGPT 或其他生成式 AI 工具,而且通常都没有告诉他们的老板。

(文章来源:第一电动网 ballad)




