三星员工禁用ChatGPT 抓到就开除
🌟【科技巨头谨慎】三星电子智选AI,安全第一!🚀面对新兴的生成式人工智能浪潮,全球知名科技巨头三星电子已采取审慎策略,据外电消息透露,为确保信息安全,公司正限制员工在其日常工作中使用ChatGPT、Google Bard及Bing等热门AI工具。这一举措反映出企业在数字化转型中对数据安全的高度重视,以预防潜在的资安风险。🌟尽管这些创新技术带来了效率提升和知识生成的巨大潜力,但三星电子显然在权衡其对企业核心业务的影响与可能带来的潜在威胁。员工们将被引导转向更符合企业规范和安全标准的人工智能解决方案,确保信息交流的透明性和保密性。👩💻💼这一决定不仅体现了行业对新技术合规性的追求,也向其他大型企业传达了在拥抱AI的同时,如何平衡技术发展与风险管理的信息。🚀欲了解更多三星电子在信息安全方面的最新动态,敬请关注我们后续报道,一起见证科技与安全的智慧碰撞!💡🛡️
🌟Samsung Steps Up Security Measures: Internal Memo Reveals Ban on Generative AI Tools 🚀🚀In a move to safeguard sensitive data and enhance privacy, tech giant Samsung has announced an internal policy change that will restrict its top departments from utilizing generative AI tools. The decision背后的担忧源于 potential risks associated with storing data on external servers, which could compromise retrieval or deletion rights, and expose it to unauthorized access. This security-conscious step is aimed at safeguarding confidential information and maintaining the integrity of their AI platforms. 💻🛡️The memo, leaked internally, highlights Samsung’s commitment to data protection and the growing importance of ensuring that AI-generated content remains within the company’s secure ecosystem. By implementing this ban, the South Korean electronics behemoth aims to minimize any potential data breaches and uphold its reputation as a leader in responsible technology practices. 📊🛡️For employees affected by the new policy, it’s a reminder to adhere to strict security protocols when handling sensitive information, reinforcing Samsung’s ongoing efforts to foster a secure digital environment. As the tech industry continues to evolve, this move further solidifies Samsung’s position as a leader in safeguarding data and innovation. 🌟 更新通知:请确保您的AI工具符合公司的最新安全规定,以保护公司和您的工作。 #SamsungDataSecurity #GenerativeAIBan
🌟Samsung to Ban Gen AI on Company Devices,excluding External Sales 📡In a move towards enhancing security and controlling data usage, the tech giant Samsung has announced it will enforce restrictions on the utilization of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems within its corporate infrastructure. This policy does not affect consumer-facing products like Android smartphones or Windows laptops sold directly to customers.🌟The decision, aimed at safeguarding confidential information and maintaining a controlled AI environment, effectively bars the integration of these advanced systems on internal company devices and networks. It underscores Samsung’s commitment to data privacy and responsible technology practices.💻Despite this measure, Samsung’s cutting-edge tech will continue to be accessible to consumers through their popular devices, ensuring seamless AI experiences without compromising corporate security. Stay tuned for more on how this shift affects the tech landscape.💡
🌟Samsung Urges Employees to Exercise Caution with ChatGPT 🚀As a leading tech company, Samsung has issued a cautious advisory to its workforce regarding the use of ChatGPT in personal devices. The firm advises employees to refrain from sharing any confidential information or data that could potentially expose intellectual property rights within the company’s context. This includes but not limited to discussions related to company projects or internal processes.Employees are reminded that strict adherence to these guidelines is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of Samsung’s operations. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as the company takes its intellectual property protection seriously.It’s important to note that while ChatGPT offers a wealth of knowledge and communication capabilities, users must exercise professional judgment when engaging with it in a work-related capacity. Remember to keep your company’s interests and confidential data safe! 🤝🔒
🌟Samsung’s latest AI survey reveals a concerning 65% of employees expressing concerns over the security risks associated with internal AI tools. The alarming incident, where confidential data was leaked due to an engineer uploading original code to ChatGPT in early April, further underscores the potential vulnerabilities. This highlights the need for robust security measures and continuous monitoring within the tech giant’s AI-driven ecosystem.一抹科技的忧虑,三星正积极应对。🛡️💻
图文来源:马中透视三语新闻/互联网·如涉侵权 联系删除
编辑:益松、明月 · 审核:江山