🎉 ChatGPT热潮席卷全球!自从OpenAI的聊天机器人ChatGPT横空出世,引发了科技界的热议风暴。微软和谷歌的迅速反应,国内互联网巨头们紧随其后,纷纷宣布研发同类产品的计划,瞬间点燃了市场热度。ChatGPT相关板块展现出强劲的增长势头,投资者的目光聚焦于此。🚀 人工智能的新篇章正在翻开,让我们共同见证这场创新革命的精彩!
🎉🚀谷歌发布创新力爆棚的”Bard” AI项目!🌟🔥2023年2月6日,Alphabet家族的巨头谷歌以一场科技盛宴震撼全球——他们宣布了即将推出的Bard人工智能聊天机器人服务,以及一系列AI革命举措,直面微软引领的新兴计算浪潮挑战!💥🔍谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊亲自揭秘,这款革命性的”Bard”源于强大的对话语言模型(LaMDA),它已通过严苛测试,预计几周后将面向全球用户开放,为日常生活带来前所未有的智能互动体验。🔥🌐这个项目不仅展示了谷歌在AI领域的前沿探索,也将极大地优化搜索引擎的SEO优化,提升用户体验,引领科技新潮流。💡🚀欲了解更多关于Bard的未来动态和它如何改变我们的沟通方式,敬请关注后续报道!👀📢
Microsoft has just launched its own AI-driven offering, announced on February 7th by Shanghai Evening News. The tech giant is set to integrate AI into all its products, as revealed in an event invitation obtained by Reuters. On this occasion, they will delve into the progress and future of their AI strategy.Notably, OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman has confirmed his attendance, signaling a potential collaboration between the two companies. As reported earlier, Microsoft is reportedly looking to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its suite of applications like Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more, allowing users to easily generate text with simple prompts.In addition to this integration, Microsoft is harnessing the power of AI behind ChatGPT for a refreshed Bing search engine. This move could potentially result in natural language search results instead of traditional link lists, enhancing the user experience significantly.Remember, when it comes to AI and innovation, Microsoft is at the forefront, ready to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development! 🚀💻🌐 #MicrosoftAI #ChatGPT #BingRevolution
🌟Apple’s AI BashScheduled for Feb 6, 2023 📰Mark Gurman, the tech guru, dropped a bombshell on Feb 5 revealing that Apple is set to host its annual internal AI symposium.👀 This AI盛宴, akin to the esteemed WWDC for developers, will be an exclusive event tailored exclusively for Apple’s in-house team. 🔑No details have been disclosed yet about what they’ll discuss, but it’s confirmed to take place at the Steve Jobs Theater within their Cupertino campus, with a live broadcast for all employees. It’s a return to form for the company, hosting such gatherings before the pandemic struck. 🎯Stay tuned for more AI insights from the tech giant! #AppleAI #Symposium2023
🌟科大讯飞,认知智能领域的领导者!🚀ChatGPT的先进技术,不仅是自然语言处理的璀璨明珠,也是我们技术积累的有力证明。💡自2022年摘得 CommonsenseQA 2.0和OpenBookQA等国际大奖桂冠,我们的核心科技始终屹立于全球最前沿。🏆在教育与医疗的专业应用中,我们的技术落地成果备受赞誉,引领行业潮流。📈无论是广泛开源的预训练语言模型,还是深度融入各领域的专业模型,都展现出强大的潜力和商业价值。🛠️对于未来的探索,我们持续投入,致力于将科技的力量赋能更多领域,创造无限可能。🚀准备好迎接认知智能新时代,与科大讯飞一起,开启智慧之旅!🌍
百度类ChatGPT产品取名为“文心一言”(ERNIEBOT),2023年2月7日上午,据多方消息,此前,百度即将推出一款类似于ChatGPT产品的消息引发外界关注,今日,百度向新浪科技确认了该消息。百度方面表示,“该项目名字确定为文心一言,英文名ERNIE Bot,三月份完成内测,面向公众开放。”据悉,目前文心一言已经在做上线前的冲刺。 受此消息影响,百度涨近6%。联系去年9月,百度CEO李彦宏判断人工智能发展在“技术层面和商业应用层面,都有方向性改变”。据推测,百度那时候就开始做文心一言。
l “打过不就加入” ChatGPT为何让谷歌和百度“疯狂”?
l 知情人士:百度类ChatGPT应用首站将直接落地百度搜索。
l 百度新专利获授权,或结合文心一言推出高拟真度虚拟形象。
l 对话框取代搜索栏!微软新搜索引擎引入ChatGPT技术向谷歌下战书了。
l 谷歌、苹果、微软都急了!ChatGPT会让你失业吗?