
风险与机遇 2年前 (2023) lida
45 0 0

文章主题:人工智能, ChatGPT, 生产效率


Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates asserts that Chat, a groundbreaking AI-driven tool, rivals the internet in its significance, promising to reshape the world. Meanwhile, industry veteran周鸿祎 cautions against being left behind, emphasizing the potential for businesses to suffer if they don’t embrace it. Notably, Elon Musk and a chorus of AI luminaries, along with top executives, are urging a pause on the development pace of OpenAI‘s latest GPT-4 release.The influential technology figure’s statement underlines the need for cautious approach in the AI landscape, as the rapid advancement in Chat raises concerns about bias. The urgency to strike a balance between innovation and responsible innovation is evident in this call to hold back from embracing the next big thing in artificial intelligence.This development underscores the critical nature of staying ahead in an industry where every stride towards sophistication could mean survival or obsolescence. Emphasizing the importance of AI’s ethical considerations, the discourse highlights the responsibility on developers and businesses alike to ensure their products are not only technologically advanced but also unbiased and beneficial for society at large.In a world where technology drives change, the cautious approach championed by these experts serves as a reminder that while progress is vital, it should never come at the cost of ethical principles.






🌟工业革命的巨变,无人不晓它开启的第一次工业化浪潮,蒸汽机的革新提升了25%的生产效能,如今AI的崛起,更是引领全球生产力以30%-80%的惊人速度飞跃。🚀数百万亿的市场新蓝海在召唤,这片未被充分开垦的土地,正迎来一场前所未有的革命性盛宴。🌱幸运的是,我们正处在这个时代的黎明,一个犹如西部拓荒般的黄金时刻。大片的土地等待着我们去探索,去耕耘。🌍对于普通人来说,这无疑是一次难得的弯道超车良机。👀当99%的人还在犹豫不决时,你已经迈出了领先一步的步伐。此刻,你的行动将决定未来的走向。🏃‍♂️抓住这个转折点,勇敢地跑在前面,你就有可能成为那个引领潮流的先驱者。🏆#AI革命 #弯道超车 #市场机遇




