
学会提问 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:Morten Just, GPT-4, SwiftUI, 5Movies


站长之家3月27日 消息:据ZingGadget报道,日前有人在Apple App Store上架了一款App,号称人工编写的代码只占了2-5%!



🏆开发者 Morten Just 创新性地运用 GPT-4 技术,为 iOS 界带来了令人惊艳的 SwiftUI App——”5Movies”!🎉 它已荣幸通过 Apple 的严苛审核,此刻正热烈地在 App Store 中等待你的探索。🔍这款小巧却功能强大的应用,每天为你精心挑选 5 �部电影,带你深入了解剧情,一饱眼福预告片。🎬 不仅如此,它还贴心地指引你找到观看的渠道,让你轻松享受视听盛宴。💻无需担心广告打扰,”5Movies” 专注于提供纯粹的观影体验,让你在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的娱乐放松。📚赶紧下载 “5Movies”,让电影陪伴你的每一天,丰富你的生活!📱SEO优化词汇:#MortenJust #GPT-4SwiftUIApp #5MoviesiOS #推荐电影应用 #Apple审核认可 #观影体验升级

🌟 Morten Just’s App Creation Journey 📚🚀 The innovative journey of creating a personalized movie app took a fascinating turn when Morten Just shared his experience with GPT-4, the AI wonder. Instead of a complex development process, he simply posed a query to the AI, seeking guidance on selecting films for an unstructured daily routine. To his amazement, ChatGPT promptly delivered not just ideas but complete code and solutions! 🤖💻 With a few minor adjustments from Just’s hands, the app was almost ready for Apple’s rigorous review. The seamless collaboration between man and machine showcased the power of AI-driven innovation at its best. 📈✨ Meticulous coding and a touch of creativity later, Morten’s app made its way into the App Store, ready to revolutionize movie selection for users worldwide. Without any trace of personal details or contact information, this inspiring story highlights the potential of AI in streamlining tasks and boosting creativity. 🌟 #AIAppCreation #PersonalizedMovies #ChatGPTSuccess

🎨💻 界面简洁却不失强大,GPT技术已展现其编码魅力,轻松助力App开发,降低制作成本。虽还需微调以优化用户体验,但BUG的克服只是时间问题。🚀✨





版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年3月31日 am10:59。
转载请注明:🚀GPT-4魔法变出’5Movies’?SwiftUIApp一键上架,编码新时代来临? | ChatGPT资源导航
