
学会提问 1年前 (2023) lida
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前有GPT model从3.5到4,后有微软放大招发布Microsoft 365 Copilot



🎉🚀ChatGPT Prompts大放送!💼💻立即掌握与AI相处秘籍,职场晋升不再难!👨‍💼👩‍💻无论你是想提升技能、还是应对挑战,这些精选prompt都将助你一臂之力,开启智能协作新时代!📚📈拥抱变化,迎接未来,ChatGPT Prompts带你飞!👇链接有限,速来抢席!🚀🎉






熟悉平台:首先探索ChatGPT及其功能。了解平台的工作方式,它能做什么,以及它如何能在工作中帮到我们确定目标:确定自己希望通过ChatGPT实现的目标:是Brainstorm、还是Content Writing、还是抓取汇总各类网站信息……了解自己的目标可以让我们在使用过程中尽可能提高效率和效果;练习向AI 提问花时间使用不同的提示和输入生成回应。练得越多,就越擅长怎么和AI有效沟通;从错误中学习:Remember,ChatGPT并不完美,可能会生成无关或无意义的答案。我们在修改答案的过程中也要多想想怎么改进我们的提问,从而获得更准确的结果;将ChatGPT视为工具而非替代品Remember again,ChatGPT是一个用来补充我们知识和专业技能的工具,我们可以用它来产生想法、提供信息,但不要完全依赖它。了解新功能和更新:ChatGPT还在不断发展,作为打工人,现在开始要关注他发布的新功能和更新,才能安心打工不掉队!🚀ChatGPTPromptsMaster:UnlockAISkillswithTheseGame于小O和小D日常的工作语言是英文,所以下方的Prompts将以英文呈现。只需要将自己的需求替换到 [copy and paste text] 这一部分发送给到ChatGPT即可。如果有需要中文Prompts的小伙伴可以套用如下指令转为中文使用哈Translate this text into [language]:[Copy and paste text]. (把这段话翻译成这种语言:粘贴复制原文A. Improving Your Existing Copy (优化/更新目前已有的文案)Make this text more persuasive: [copy and paste text].Make this text connect more to the audience: [copy and paste text]. Rewrite this text going deeper on the pain points and desires of a potential customer: [copy and paste text]. Rewrite this text using the AIDA(Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) copywriting formula: [copy and paste text].Rewrite this text using the PAS (Problem, Agitate, and Solution) copywriting formula: [copy and paste text].Can you suggest ways to make this text more distinctive and memorable? [copy and paste a text].我们拿其中第五个Prompt来进一步举例AI可以帮你如何优化文案。Rewrite this text using the PAS (Problem, Agitate, and Solution) copywriting formula: [copy and paste text].这个Prompt提到希望用PAS的写作公式来改写文案。PAS公式的三个英文分别代表问题(Problem)、煽动(Agitate)和解决方案(Solution)。-问题:明确并清楚地阐述目标受众面临的问题。与受众建立联系,表明你理解他们的痛点。-煽动:接下来通过强调不解决问题的负面后果来“煽动”问题。营造一种紧迫感和渴望找到解决方案的愿望。


拿某空气净化器的宣传文案举例,在不使用AI优化的PAS写作公式前:“我们公司的空气净化器很棒,它可以过滤掉空气中的污染物,让您的家庭呼吸更清新。我们的产品质量高,性价比优秀。”我们让AI通过PAS写作公式优化之后的文案:问题:您是否担心家中空气质量不佳,呼吸不畅?每天在污染的环境中生活,会对您和家人的健康造成潜在风险。煽动:呼吸污染的空气可能导致哮喘、过敏和其他健康问题。这可能会影响您的日常生活,并给您和您的家人带来无尽的困扰。解决方案:我们的空气净化器可以过滤掉空气中的污染物,确保您的家庭呼吸更清新。我们的产品质量高,性价比优秀,让您安心选择我们的产品,保障您和家人的健康和幸福生活。可以看到,使用PAS写作公式的文案更加生动、具有说服力和情感共鸣,能够更好地引起受众的兴趣和共鸣,从而达到更好的营销效果。B. Identifying Your Unique Brand Voice (识别你的品牌调性)Analyze the following text for tone of voice and style. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to all your future responsesAdd more [humor/statistics/shorter sentences/questions/playfulness].List the adjectives you would use to describe the tone of voice and style of this text: [copy and paste text]Apply that exact style and tone of voice to write [new text].Can you help me identify any common phrases or expressions that I tend to use in my writing? [copy and paste a text].

🌟Writing Style Analysis🌟✨Strengths to Embrace✨1️⃣ Clear Communication: Your text effectively conveys ideas with minimal ambiguity. Keep up the clear and concise language for better reader engagement.2️‍♂️ Unique Voice: Your writing has a distinct personality, which sets you apart from others. Emphasize this uniqueness in your future pieces to establish a strong brand identity.3️⃣ Grammar Precision: Your grammar is impeccable! Maintain this level of accuracy to ensure credibility and professionalism.✨Areas for Improvement✨1️‍♀️ Vary Sentence Structure: While your writing flows smoothly, incorporating more varied sentence structures can add interest and prevent monotony.2️‍₄️ Active Voice: Consider using active voice in some sections to make your writing more dynamic and engaging.3️‍⃣ Use of SEO Keywords: To optimize for search engines, incorporate relevant keywords without overloading them. This will help your content rank higher.✨Tips for Growth✨1️⃣ Regular Practice: Consistent writing practice will refine your style and help you identify areas to enhance.2️‍₄️ Read Widely: Expand your vocabulary by reading diverse genres and authors. This will enrich your writing and make it more versatile.3️‍⃣ Seek Feedback: Share your work with peers or a professional editor for constructive criticism that can guide your improvement.Remember, the key to improving is not about changing your style but refining it to better serve your audience and goals. Keep up the great work! 🚀

C. Writing Advanced Copywriting Prompts (撰写高级文案)1. Using the PAS(Problem, Agitate, and Solution) copywriting formula, create a 500 word landing page that persuades potential buyers to purchase [product]. Use scarcity by saying you only have 3 units left, and include a short story about how one client went from [state a] to [state b].2. Use the 5 Basic Objections framework to write a product description for [product] that helps [ideal client] achieve [dream outcome]. Address these common objections of a potential customer:[Objection 1][Objection 2][Objection 3][Objection 4][Objection 5]Finish by listing all the negative consequences of not taking action now.3. Write a 5-step soap opera email sequence about how attending [event] will change [ideal customer] life. Include these benefits:[Benefit 1][Benefit 2][Benefit 3]These pain points:[Pain point 1][Pain point 2][Pain point 3]And these testimonials:[Testimonial 1][Testimonial 2][Testimonial 3]Increase the urgency of signing up for the [event] progressively, starting with very little on email 1 and a lot on email 5. On email 5, include a final guarantee saying that if they attend, you will give them [bonus].4. Use the AIDA (AttentionInterest, Desire, andAction) copywriting framework to grab the attention of [ideal customer] and persuade them to [call to action]. Start with a question to get their attention, present statistics that shows how bad [problem] is, state these 3 benefits about our product [benefit 1], [benefit 2], benefit 3], and ask for [call to action].5. Write a webinar script using the PASTOR (Problem, Amplify, Solution, Transformation, Offer, Response)framework to address the pain points of [ideal customer] and present my [product] as the solution. Identify the problem they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell this story related to the problem [story], include these testimonials from happy customers [testimonials], present our offer, and ask for a purchase.我们再来拿第五个Prompt来举例AI如何可以帮你撰写优化文案。Write a webinar script using the PASTOR (Problem, Amplify, Solution, Transformation, Offer, Response)framework to address the pain points of [ideal customer] and present my [product] as the solution. Identify the problem they are facing, amplify the consequences of not solving it, tell this story related to the problem [story], include these testimonials from happy customers [testimonials], present our offer, and ask for a purchase.这个Prompt指的是用PASTOR的框架来写一个网络研讨会的脚本。我们知道通常而言,网络研讨会的脚本会令人头疼,如果是产品经理来讲,往往会和老师上课一样让人昏昏欲睡,而如果只是营销人员来写,又怕丢了产品的精髓。那拥有一个好的脚本框架,对演讲者来说十分重要。


PASTOR框架是以解决“目标客户”所面临的痛点为核心并提供产品作为解决方案。要识别客户面临的问题,扩大不解决问题的后果,讲述与问题相关的成功故事、客户证言,然后才是介绍产品和解决方案。具体来说,这个框架包括以下几个步骤:问题 (Problem):首先要识别目标客户所面临的问题。加强 (Amplify):要扩大不解决问题的后果,让目标客户意识到问题的严重性。解决方案 (Solution):接下来,介绍产品作为解决问题的方案。转变 (Transformation):强调产品可以如何改变目标客户的现状,让他们认识到使用您的产品可以获得什么。产品介绍 (Offer):介绍产品的优点和特点,并告诉他们可以如何购买。回应 (Response):最后,鼓励目标客户采取行动并购买。我们以某CRM软件为例来看下请AI使用PASTOR框架撰写的简短的网络研讨会脚本:开场白:大家好,欢迎来到今天的网络研讨会!我是[您的名字],今天我们将探讨如何使用CRM软件来解决您的销售问题。问题:首先,让我们来看看您在销售过程中可能遇到的问题。您是否曾经遇到过以下情况:销售线索丢失、客户信息混乱、销售过程中信息漏掉、客户关系不够紧密等等?加强:这些问题可能导致您错失重要的销售机会,失去客户,并且影响到您的业绩。如果不解决这些问题,您的销售业绩可能无法达到预期,您的公司的竞争力也会受到影响。故事:让我们看一个真实的例子,一位销售经理因为销售线索管理不当,错失了一个重要的销售机会,导致公司损失了大量的利润。这个错误可以通过使用CRM软件来避免。证明:我们的CRM软件已经帮助了很多客户解决他们的销售问题。让我们来听一下几位客户的真实反馈:“使用CRM软件后,我的销售业绩翻了一番!” – John“CRM软件让我们的销售过程更加高效,也更加人性化。” – Sarah解决方案:现在,让我们来看一下我们的CRM软件,它是如何帮助您解决这些问题的。我们的CRM软件可以帮助您收集、整理、跟踪销售线索和客户信息,确保您不会错失任何一个重要的销售机会。此外,我们的CRM软件还提供了各种工具和功能,帮助您更好地管理您的销售过程,从而提高您的销售效率和业绩……………….【后面文字已省略】可以看到,让AI优化过的文案更加有框架性,也不是很干地在介绍产品,而是增加了整个故事的逻辑性。


D. Proofreading Your Copy (检查和修改文案)Find and correct the typos in this text: [copy and paste text].Tell me if there are typos or grammatical errors in this text: [copy and paste text].Proofread this copy: [copy and paste text].Proofread this copy: [copy and paste text].Suggest reliable sources to back up the claims in this text: [copy and paste text].如果你也曾经用过Grammarly,试试切换成ChatGPT,你得到的帮助可能更有效。另外,推荐一个我们最近特别爱用的AI 工具,叫做Notion,他相当于一个小组工作站,不同的team member可以在里面共同创建project、task,也可以直接在里面写文案和各类post,只需要一个“/”就能唤醒AI来工作。目前他的短板就是每个workspace60个free response。也有人说Notion可以当作“第二大脑”来帮你记录各种笔记、文档、工作等。如果大家对Notion感兴趣,我们也可以单独做一期体验分享。



AI来得太快,我们也还在努力的学习和探索中,不过在此期间我们还会不断更新更多好用的GPT prompts,如果大家有什么需要的prompts可以留言告诉我们,我们平时也有接触到的话,也会努力为大家整理的。






版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年3月19日 pm7:53。
转载请注明:🚀ChatGPTPromptsMaster:UnlockAISkillswithTheseGame | ChatGPT资源导航
