
学会提问 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:生成式AI, OpenAI, Anthropic, 聊天机器人


财联社5月24日讯(编辑 黄君芝)人工智能初创公司Anthropic由OpenAI前高管创立、“背靠”谷歌,堪称是OpenAI在AI领域最大的竞争对手。当地时间周二(23日),该公司宣布获得了最新一轮4.5亿美元的融资,其中包含了谷歌的大力支持。


Anthropic, the AI startup sensation, has just hit a major milestone with its latest round of fundraising, securing an estimated $1 billion or more. This solidifies their position as one of the most financially backed newcomers in the tech scene. Despite not disclosing their exact valuation, whispers suggest it’s hovering around a staggering $5 billion, fueling speculation and excitement. 🚀💰 #AnthropicFunding #AIStartupMajesty

Microsoft’s recent $1 billion investment in OpenAI, as reported by PitchBook, marks the largest AI funding round this year. Following a January injection of $10 billion, Microsoft’s total commitment to the company now stands at an impressive $130 billion, propelling OpenAI’s valuation close to $300 billion. This significant move solidifies Microsoft’s position as a leader in the AI landscape, driving innovation and further fueling the growth of the field. 📈💻🚀

🎉【OpenAI新轮融资】🌟创新引领!AI巨头再启征程🚀据PitchBook分析师Ali J透露,周二的重大消息标志着OpenAI不再是生成式AI领域的独苗,市场竞争愈发白热化🔥。这笔融资无疑为其在技术革新路上注入强心剂,引领行业走向未知的未来🌍。尽管如此,OpenAI仍需保持警惕,与其他玩家一决高下🏆!

🌟【科技巨头押宝】Anthropic再获资本青睐!谷歌引领最新一轮巨额投资,Salesforce&Zoom紧随其后,行业巨头的携手无疑为AI未来注入强大活力。🚀这笔融资不仅彰显了 Anthropic 在人工智能领域的领先地位,也预示着科技巨头们对创新技术的持续关注与布局。💡随着科技的迭代,我们期待看到更多这样的合作,共同推动科技的进步,为用户提供更优质的服务。🌐


Anthropic, the company behind the cutting-edge chatbot Claude, is a formidable rival to ChatGPT. Launched in 2021 by Dario Amodei, a former OpenAI research VP and sister of Daniela Amodei, another ex-CEO of OpenAI’s security and policy division, the firm boasts an impressive roster of former AI luminaries on its founding team. Their innovative creation has garnered attention in the tech industry for its potential to revolutionize conversational AI. 🚀💻

🌟Claude: 提升安全,保障无忧!🌟ChatGPT虽强大,但安全性是我们的核心壁垒。💡创造者们精心设计,确保机器人对敏感话题敬而远之,看似严密的防护却可能为恶意用户提供“漏洞”。👀他们用提示工程的手法,企图绕过机器人的限制防线。但我们Claude,深知此道,以严谨策略和强大的过滤机制,坚守阵地,不被轻易攻破。🛡️ChatGPT的安全隐患,Claude有备无患。🔥让我们的对话更安心,内容更纯净。🌍


在谈及新筹集资金的用途时,Anthropic的代表Sandy Banerjee表示,这将用于“继续训练更安全的模型,包括未来版本的Claude。”





