
学会提问 2年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:CXL, D-RAM, 计算内存


🌟Samsung and SK Hynix, two tech giants in the making, are revving up their efforts to bring the future of semiconductor technology to life. 🚀 Driven by the rapid growth of AI-driven applications like ChatGPT, these companies are racing against the clock to meet the demands of an AI-driven world. 🔍 Their focus lies not just on innovation but also on optimizing for search engines, ensuring their cutting-edge tech stays ahead in the SEO game. 💻With a keen eye on the evolving landscape, Samsung and SK Hynix are poised to lead the charge in next-gen semiconductor development. Expect groundbreaking advancements that will shape the future of AI-driven computing and revolutionize the way we interact with technology. 🌠Stay tuned for their groundbreaking strides as they strive to create a seamless and efficient technological landscape for the AI era. 🚀 更新中… #SamsungTech #SKHynix #AIFuture


🌟Samsung’s game-changing move! 🚀Just learned that the tech giant has unleashed the industry’s first 128GB CXL D-RAM, powered by Compute Express Link (CXL) 2.0. This cutting-edge innovation takes memory capacity to new heights, setting the bar high for competitors. Meanwhile, SK海力士 wasn’t left behind, introducing their very first CXL RAM back in August last year, followed by a groundbreaking platform in October that merges machine learning and computation capabilities seamlessly. Exciting times ahead for the tech world! 🤝💻



🌟🚀随着科技的飞速迭代,元宇宙、AI及大数据领域的数据洪流日益汹涌,然而DDR接口的容量瓶颈逐渐显现,限制了系统中RAM的扩展空间。这就是为什么新兴的CXL DRAM等创新内存技术亟待应运而生,以满足未来对海量存储和高速互联的不竭需求。🚀DDR的旧有架构无法满足现代科技的胃口,而CXL带来的革命性改变,就像一剂强心针,为数据海洋中的计算效能提升注入了强大动力。💡🌟





版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年5月15日 pm2:32。
转载请注明:AI时代来临,CXL内存能否满足海量数据需求? | ChatGPT资源导航
