
学会提问 2年前 (2023) lida
63 0 0

文章主题:ChatGPT, 机器狗Spot, 自动化任务


🎉工程师 Santiago 玩出新花样!👨‍💻近日,他将 ChatGPT 和波士顿动力 Spot 拼凑,打造了一款语音交流机器人犬,让狗狗的世界变得更智能!🔍这项创新不仅让人眼前一亮,仿佛置身未来科幻电影,实则是为了提升机器狗的复杂操作能力。🚀想象一下,狗狗能听懂你的指令,还能用声音与你互动,生活岂不更有乐趣?👨‍❤️‍🐶快来看,科技与爱的完美结晶!💡#ChatGPT #SpotRobot #未来生活



👀 Santiago’s tweet shines as he showcases the impressive fusion of ChatGPT and Spot in a captivating video.✨ The AI wonder combines its prowess, effortlessly explaining concepts, parsing documents, and crafting responses like a pro.💪 However, the real magic lies in tailoring Spot with specific terminology to ensure accurate results每一环节都精确无误.ChatGPT’s adaptability is truly remarkable, turning words into actionable knowledge.📚 It’s a game-changer that bridges the gap between artificial intelligence and everyday tasks.💻 But remember, for Spot to give its A-game, a little extra training on industry-specific jargon is required.This collaboration highlights the potential of AI in enhancing our workflows and expanding our understanding.💼 If you’re curious about witnessing this dynamic duo in action, keep an eye out – it’s a tech spectacle worth following!👀 #ChatGPT #SpotIntegration #AIRevolution


视频中显示,Spot 可以回答关于它的电池电量水平、下一次任务的检查次数等问题,还可以给出它上一次任务的详细情况。

🌟 Santiago 描述了他们自动化项目背后的挑战:每天由机器狗执行的任务,配置文件复杂难懂,只有专家能解读。而且,任务完成后产生的大量数据,没有便捷的途径来即时掌握。这就是 ChatGPT 所能解决的问题——它化繁为简,提供了一种高效的方式来管理和查询这些信息。bots’ daily automation tasks, intricate configuration files that only techs can decipher, and the overwhelming data collected post each run – these were the hurdles Santiago highlighted. But with ChatGPT by their side, they now have a tool to streamline and easily access all that information. 📊💻

IT之家注意到,Spot 还可以通过点头或摇头来表示对一个是非问题的回答,看起来有点可爱。





