财联社2月3日讯(编辑 史正丞)作为ChatGPT聊天机器人背后开发商OpenAI的大金主,微软正忙着把这项火到出圈的技术移植到自家的一系列产品线中,眼下第一批“吃螃蟹”的应用已经走进大众视野。
当地时间周四,微软旗下Dynamics 365产品线(ERP CRM程序)发布视频,宣布旗下客户关系管理软件Viva Sales将集成OpenAI的技术,通过人工智能帮助销售人员完成许多繁杂且重复的文字工作。

(来源:微软Dynamics 365)
Microsoft reveals that with the integration of AI, the once time-consuming task of retrieving product quotes from CRM systems and crafting basic reply emails has become a breeze. Sales reps can now swiftly access necessary information with just a couple clicks, streamlining their workflow显著提高了效率,减少了冗余步骤。 The seamless process even allows for personalized touches, all within a hassle-free environment, enhancing the overall customer experience. 📈💻🚀
这项自动写稿功能,用到的正是OpenAI的GPT 3.5系统,这也是支撑ChatGPT聊天机器人的底层程序。AI程序从客户记录和Office电子邮件软件中提取数据,将这些信息用于生成个性化文本、定价细节和促销信息的电子邮件。
Microsoft is reportedly making significant efforts to integrate OpenAI’s technologies into a range of consumer and enterprise products, with one major revelation being the imminent release of a Bing search engine integrated with ChatGPT. This upcoming offering aims to capitalize on the appeal of conversational AI, anticipating that it will surpass mere link-based results in captivating users. The integration signifies Microsoft’s commitment to enhancing their search experience by incorporating cutting-edge chatbot capabilities. Stay tuned for an exciting update that promises to revolutionize online search. 📈🔍🤖
