文章主题:Power Virtual Agent, AI Builder, Dynamics 365 Copilot, business intelligence
3月7日消息,美国当地时间周一,微软宣布将爆火聊天机器人ChatGPT背后的AI技术集成到Power Platform等更多开发工具中,该平台允许用户在很少甚至不需要编码的情况下构建应用程序,这是微软将AI技术与其产品进行的最新整合行动。
Microsoft has announced enhancements to its Power Platform, a suite of business intelligence and app development tools. Notable additions include Power Virtual Agent and AI Builder, empowering organizations to create chatbots with newfound capabilities. Now, this virtual agent can seamlessly integrate with internal resources, generating weekly reports and summarizing customer inquiries, streamlining operations and enhancing customer experience. 📈🤖📊
Microsoft has integrated generative AI capabilities into AI Builder, empowering businesses to automate workflow processes with ease. As part of this, they have launched Dynamics 365, a refreshed business management platform leveraging this tech. The latest addition is Dynamics 365 Copilot, an advanced version brimming with applications tailored for sales, customer support, and marketing. 📈💻📊
动态365 Copilot,一款AI驱动的力量,可助您轻松驾驭多项任务,如数据大搜捕与深度解析,或是智能邮件活动的快速搭建。它还具备慧眼识真金的能力,协助营销人员精准定位目标受众,为电商打造产品目录更是不在话下。周一,这一创新工具以试用版的形式揭开神秘面纱,数百名先驱者已对其进行实地测试,验证其效能。比如,意大利烈酒品牌Campari正借助微软的AI营销利器,策划一场别开生面的Negroni鸡尾酒促销活动,为其品牌魅力注入科技活力。🚀
微软周一还表示,该公司首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)将于3月16日主持一场活动,讨论“用AI重塑生产力”,届时可能发布更多获得AI支持的软件更新。
Microsoft’s latest AI advancements have been centered around business applications, with the integration of language generation tools and chatbots into key products such as Bing search, Windows, and Teams. However, the tech giant has yet to reveal any plans for AI updates in the Office suite, which includes Word and Excel. Expect a potential boost in the future as Microsoft continues to enhance its AI capabilities and streamline workplace productivity. 📈💻🌐
🎉GitHub Copilot大放异彩,AI编程新宠去年横空出世!💡微软动作连连,今年一月慷慨注资OpenAI,ChatGPT背后的创新力量备受瞩目。🌟纳德拉领导下的微软已明确表态,将AI和OpenAI技术深度融入产品革新,未来产品阵容焕然一新,敬请期待科技巨头的智慧升级!🌐SEO优化提示:GitHub Copilot, AI编程, 微软投资, ChatGPT, OpenAI, 产品更新, 人工智能, 科技巨头, 未来展望。
但大多数公司似乎都在密切关注AI领域的进展,以及这项技术对他们业务的潜在影响。从谷歌母公司Alphabet到百度等大型科技公司,都在加快将生成式人工智能(AIGC)整合到各自的产品中。 (小小)
转载请注明:微软PowerPlatform新功能预览:企业AI革命来了?ChatGPT与Dynamics365 | ChatGPT资源导航