
ChatGPT与PPT 1年前 (2024) lida
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文章主题:苹果, WWDC, 混合现实设备, Google


财联社|元宇宙NEWS 3月30日讯 今日新鲜事有:

苹果宣布将于6月5日举办WWDC 或将发布混合现实设备

🚀💥Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is set to take place from June 5th to 9th, and tech enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the event! 🎉Apple’s CEO has hinted at a major reveal, with whispers suggesting not just the highly-anticipated iOS 17 and watchOS 10 updates, but also the long-awaited debut of their groundbreaking mixed reality device. 🔥眼界大开,科技界翘首以盼!👀Mark Gurman, a trusted source in the tech realm, has added fuel to the speculation by dropping hints about this game-changing product that could redefine the way we interact with technology. 🚀🔥Stay tuned for more details as Apple prepares to shake up the industry and revolutionize the way we experience innovation! 🤖✨ #WWDC2023 #MixedReality #AppleUnveil



索尼PS VR2销售表现远不及预期 机构建议降价

Sony’s PS VR2, with an estimated 270,000 units sold by the end of March, according to IDC data, is facing a significant milestone. Despite initially aiming for 2 million shipments within the same period, the company now needs to reassess its strategy in light of global economic challenges. Francisco Jeronimo, IDC’s analytics VP, points out that amidst rising inflation and unemployment rates, prioritizing PS VR2 over a PS5 might not be at the top of consumers’ purchasing lists.In this competitive landscape, Meta’s recent price drop on Quest 2 puts pressure on Sony to follow suit if they want to avoid a potential market stumble. The success of the VR headset will likely depend on strategic pricing decisions that resonate with cost-conscious buyers. Emphasizing the device’s value proposition and addressing consumer concerns about affordability could be crucial for PS VR2’s long-term success in the eyes of both consumers and search engines.


🚀【教育新宠】网易有道即将引领潮流!🔍🔥独家揭秘:知名教育品牌动作连连,即将面世的神秘ChatGPT替代品——”子曰”,将颠覆你的学习体验!🎓👩‍🏫科技赋能,智慧升级!有道自主研发的教育场景类ChatGPT模型,不仅具备超凡的语言交互能力,还在AI英语口语辅导和作文批改上展现出独特魅力。🗣️📝👀内测即将开启,敬请期待!🔥我们见证的将不仅仅是一个工具,而是一场学习革命!🚀你准备好迎接这场知识风暴了吗?🌈👉请留意后续更新,保持关注,让”子曰”带你飞!🔗#子曰模型 #教育科技革新 #网易有道内测

Meta高管重申“元宇宙仍是计算的未来 但需要时间”

Meta首席全球事务官Nick Clegg坚定地宣告了对元宇宙的持续探索,他预言,未来的计算舞台将扎根于这个尚待全面定义的数字领域。他提到:“我们执着前行,因为数据告诉我们,这样的构想将成为新一代计算架构的核心,尽管转变不会一蹴而就。”同时,他也透露了Meta通过元宇宙实现价值增长的两大策略:即广告和电子商务的扩展利用。



元宇宙板块跌1.94% 智立方涨9.66%居首






