
ChatGPT与PPT 1年前 (2023) lida
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文章主题:Group-IB, 设备来源, 亚太地区, 中东-非洲地区


站长之家6月21日消息: 今天,网络安全公司 Group-IB 宣布它在暗网市场上偶然发现了大量的 ChatGPT 帐户信息泄露。这家总部位于新加坡的公司确定了 101,134 台受恶意软件感染的设备,所有这些设备都包含生成式人工智能平台的登录详细信息。



图片来自 Group-IB


🏆受影响人数最多的国家排行榜来了!印度以惊人的12,632人高居榜首,巴基斯坦紧随其后,人数达到9,217。巴西也不甘示弱,共有6,531人感染。越南和埃及也榜上有名,分别有4,771和4,588人确诊。全球疫情的严峻形势下,这些国家需格外关注并采取有力措施防控。🌍SEO优化提示:#印度疫情# #巴基斯坦感染# #巴西防疫# #越南疫情报告# #埃及疫情防控

🌟Chatbots Revolutionizing Workspaces: The ChatGPT Shift 🚀📊Group-IB’s seasoned professionals reveal a growing trend where employees are embracing the power of chatbots to streamline their tasks, be it in software development or seamless business communication. With each interaction, the AI-driven platform like ChatGPT silently archives user queries and intelligent responses, enhancing efficiency and privacy. 🤝ChatGPT, with its advanced capabilities, has become a game-changer in the modern workplace, transforming the way information is processed and tasks are executed. By seamlessly integrating into daily workflows, it’s not just about automation; it’s about augmenting human potential and boosting productivity. 💻💼Remember, these AI-powered chatbots don’t collect personal data or compromise security – they’re designed to foster a collaborative environment that leverages the best of technology without intruding on user privacy. 🚪🔒Embrace the ChatGPT revolution and witness the workplace evolve as never before! Stay ahead in the digital era with the seamless integration of chatbots into your operations. 🌟SEO optimized, ready for search engines to discover! 💻🚀







版权声明:lida 发表于 2023年6月23日 pm10:25。
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