值得收藏的几个实用 ChatGPT Prompt (提示词)

学会提问 1年前 (2023)
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Simplify complex information(简化复杂信息)


“Break down the (topic) into smaller, easier-to-understand parts. Use analogies and real-life examples to simplify the concept and make it more relatable.”


Create a study schedule(制定学习计划)


“I need help organizing my study time for (subject). Can you create a study schedule for me, including breaks and practice exercises?”

“我需要你的帮助来安排我 (科目) 的学习时间。你能否为我制定一个学习时间表,包括休息和练习的间隔时间?”

值得收藏的几个实用 ChatGPT Prompt (提示词)
版权声明: 发表于 2023年12月30日 am11:48。
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