
文章主题:ChatGPT, 微软, 人工智能, Office应用程序


Microsoft has made a game-changing move by integrating the highly popular ChatGPT into the latest version of Bing search engine and Edge browser, showcasing their swift and innovative approach. This integration not only adds a cutting-edge feature to their digital offerings but also signals Microsoft’s commitment to staying ahead in the tech race. With its seamless integration, users can now experience the power of AI-driven conversation directly within their browsing and searching experience. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from this tech giant! 🚀🌐 #ChatGPT #MicrosoftEdge #BingSearch


🚀Microsoft is set to reveal more AI-driven updates in March, integrating the game-changing ChatGPT prowess into key Office apps like Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.👀 This exciting news suggests a future where productivity takes a quantum leap with Microsoft’s AI integration, enhancing the user experience across all digital tools.💻 Stay tuned for an innovative leap in tech that’s sure to revolutionize the way we work!

Microsoft is set to reveal how Office will leverage its AI prowess, integrating it seamlessly with the enhanced Bing Chatbot in Word, automating writing tasks like never before. The report also hints at the model’s capability, already in action within Office Web apps得益于 seamless integration with Edge browser. The tech giant is harnessing AI to streamline PowerPoint presentations and graphics creation. 📚🤖📊💻🌐 #AIinOffice #MicrosoftEdge #BingChatbot #PowerPointAutomation

🚀微软惊喜发布全新AI驱动必应搜索!🔥ChatGPT引领潮流,原定2月尾亮相却因谷歌动态加速面世。💡谷歌也不甘示弱,推出了自家的人工智能聊天助手Bard,两大巨头的较量一触即发。🔍技术升级的背后,用户将享受到更个性化、智能化的搜索体验。💥这场AI之战,谁能引领未来互联网新风尚?让我们拭目以待!🌐 #必应引擎# #谷歌Bard# #人工智能大战

Microsoft’s top brass is brimming with confidence, asserting their company’s lead in AI compared to Google. However, they also harbor concerns about potential rivals leveraging AI to challenge their core office and productivity offerings. The tech giant’s strategists are mindful of the evolving landscape, constantly looking to maintain a strategic edge while navigating the ever-growth of intelligent technologies. 📈💻🔍





版权声明:lida 发表于 2024年4月7日 am8:02。
转载请注明:微软Office全面拥抱ChatGPT?Word、PPT将实现AI自动化写作新纪元 | ChatGPT资源导航
